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Nourished Seasonally

Autumn Edition

Autumn nourished Seasonally cover.png

Get 20 nourishing recipes you will love as we welcome in the Fall season! 
Say farewell to Summer and hello to Fall, where we shift from cooling foods to warming.  These recipes are perfect for anyone looking for delicious fall recipes to support your hormones and nourish your body for all stages from preconception, pregnancy and postpartum!

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What are the benefits to eating seasonally?

It's better for your health  

Foods grown in season are more nutrient dense. One study found that broccoli grown during its peak season had a higher vitamin C content than broccoli grown during the spring. 

Buying local in season produce is even better because produce that is flown in from other countries are exposed to unnatural ripening agents in transit so that they are ripe by the time they get to you.  These agents are chemicals gases that humans wouldn’t want to be exposed to, and some produce is even coated with an edible film to protect it.  Eating in season can avoid exposure to these toxins.


Fun fact is that it also naturally supports our health during that time of year.  For example, summer is full of things like fruits, berries, cucumber, watermelon... these help keep us cool and hydrated during times of heat. Apples are abundant in the fall, and they help cool down our body temperature and get rid of excess heat in preparation for winter. Wintertime produce is more scarce as we load up on more warming and nourishing foods like soups and stews. Lots of fresh leafy greens in the spring helps us detox some of the heavier foods we ate in the winter. ⁣⁣

It tastes better
f you’ve ever tried a homegrown tomato, you’ll know they are so much sweeter than the ones you buy at the supermarket!

Mass-produced produce suffers from a lack of flavor. The goal of large commercial farms is to produce a volume of "product" to meet high demand. This leads to tasteless fruits and veggies.  I’m sure you’ve bought some fresh fruit to only bite in and find has little to no flavor.  Naturally ripened fruits and vegetables grown and picked in season are typically full of flavor and nutrients.

It's helps support local farmers and is more sustainable

To explore seasonal foods in your area and support your community, try visiting your local farmers market, or try joining a CSA (community-supported agriculture). Doing this guarantees that you eat more seasonally. 

It's cheaper

When a fruit or veggie is in season, it's abundant and, not surprisingly, it's available at a lower price. For example, summer is berry season, so that's why they are so cheap during the summer. 

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